Nearly every dog owner has a tennis ball in the house. They probably also got the ball in a tennis ball canister! This tennis ball canister brain game for dogs is a fun way to exercise your dog’s brain! The DIY dog toy in today’s video is really simple to make and it can be used by any dog owner. This dog life hack applies to every size and breed of dog, and it can be a great way to stimulate your dog’s brain! This cool DIY toy can be used for puppies and senior dogs alike! It is a really cheap way to make your own dog toys!
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17.02.2025why not just use a soft drink bottle ? same thing and more common aka P.E.T bottle
13.12.2024A favorite game that Benicio likes playing, is hide and seek with "cookies." Another one that he likes is the Nina Ottosson bone game. Brain games like the muffin tray and others help teach your dog that he can be more confident in life. And not only can you use these games with your dogs but it is entertaining for the cat audience sitting at a distance!
09.12.2024My dog just bit the bottle and destroyed the whole thing. Please help!
09.12.2024Very good idea
09.12.2024Thank you Ken for yet another great video! Can this game be played with any breed, or are some breeds like my Beagle that is used for hunting, for some reason not supposed to play these kinds of games? Weird question maybe, but I’ve heard from some who have hunting dogs that you could “ruin” their hunting skills playing games like this …. which I find strange. Any input would be highly appreciated as this is my first dog and I don’t know how to respond to comments like that. I would love to play games like this because she seems to really enjoy it. Thank you!
09.12.2024My poodle love it! Tho i used a lighter to burn holes instead… easier and then theres no sharp edges
09.12.2024Sand the cutting edges a little. The cut plastic can be sharp.
At what age would you recommend it?
09.12.2024The best part is that over time it teaches them how to defeat the toy and pull the lid off
09.12.2024I put his kibble on a harder plastic tea bottle and fill it. Then I squeezed the top of it. He then has to flip and flop it.
09.12.2024How would you introduce the toy to geriatric dog? Blind deff and with a bad hip?
09.12.2024Is there any reason not to make this out of pvc?
09.12.2024What should i do😅 bcz i am sure that if i do this my doggo will pick the container and run 😂
08.12.2024Buy a container Whit tennis balls trow away the container ! Make some round guts in the tennis balls and put the treats in there .
And fore the haters please don't gut yourself .; )
Works great also
08.12.2024I did something similar and got my 5 month old into it just yesterday. And he liked it. Today I put out a bowl of food and he didn't kill the whole thing in seconds! I been trying to find ways that he would eat slower and I was surprised with how quick and effective this method is already. I hope this continues for my Chewbacca boy
08.12.20245mins to put treats in a tube!
08.12.2024my dog does not really get excited for dog kibble ! so when i make this can I put a few treats in there with the kibble so she will still get the kibble but she will role it around for the treats . also i thought this would get a dog more excited about it because they will try to get the dog treats out .
08.12.2024Great idea
08.12.2024I'd have used a drill bit and just drill a hole, but thanks for the great idea! will put this one to good use.
08.12.2024Took all of 5min for my dog to destroy a similar store bought toy designed for large / heavy chewers, and she is only 35lbs!!!
08.12.2024My dog hates kibble but she does live rice that’s not good for her health so I added kibble in this n she ate her whole meal from this I love it