A full game playthrough for Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? on the Nintendo DS. This is the first game in the Brain Age series.
This playthrough shows all minigames, as well as the “story” from start to finish (as far as there is one) and some side-content (drawing, baby!).
For more information, continue reading below.
Starting off, yes – the 1/1/2011 date is incorrect. I don’t know why my DS is at that. Probably factory settings somehow.
Additionally, yes, that’s me talking during the ” ” minigame, although it’s sped up and distorted.
After the intro, you’re taken into your first brain training; “Calculations x20”.
Solve 20 simple sums by writing the answer on the touch screen. A very basic training exercise.
Then there is “Calculations x100”.
I’m not showing it in the video, as it’s simply an extended version of the first minigame.
Additionally there’s “Reading Aloud”.
I chose not to include this either, as this is simply reading a story. No background music, no animations, just plain text. On top off that the stories really aren’t that fun to read. Trust me, you ain’t missing out.
5:50 Low to High
Remember the set of numbers and tap them from lowest to highest. This gets really difficult once you reach 9 squares and nearly impossible at 10 squares due to the short amount of time you get to see the numbers. Thought I did pretty decent here tbh.
8:32 Syllable Count
Count the syllables in the sentence provided on screen. The way I do it is by repeating the word in my head and counting on my fingers. Try to count along if you want.
11:30 Head Count
Count the amount of people currently inside the house. This minigame is pretty fun imo.
16:40 Head Count (Hard Mode)
This one is significantly more difficult, as there’s now people entering/exiting the chimney (weird, I know), meaning you have to pay attention to 3 spots at once.
Calculations x100 (Hard Mode)
This is simply a harder version of the original, this time throwing equations into the mix. Once again, I didn’t show it here, but it’s about what you’d expect.
20:57 Triangle Math
One of the trickier math exercises. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try my best.
1 2 3 ←3 top numbers
there is each “+” or “-” below it
1+2 & 2+3 = 3+5= 8
or 1-2 & 2-3 = -1 – -1 = 0
or… 1+2 & 2-3 = 3 + -1 = 2
this concept but with bigger numbers
23:54 Time Lapse
Calculate how much time has passed between the two clocks. This one is kinda hard for me cause like many people I’m now used to digital clocks.
26:25 Triangle Math (Hard Mode)
Without a doubt the trickiest minigame in the game. It’s like the original, but this time with FOUR numbers, which means you have to do 3 calculations each time.
It gets even worse when there’s minus’ thrown into the mix as you really have to think for a bit.
Sorry if I took a while there. If you’re bored, just try and figure them out yourself while I am trying as well.
29:19 Voice Calculation
This is basically the harder version of Calculations x100, but this time it’s controlled with your voice and there’s only 50 sums to solve. As you can imagine, the DS’s speakers aren’t the best, so it sometimes places a whole different number than what you said, or none at all.
Because there is no sound I added some calm music to it.
31:25 Brain Age Check
This consists of 3 minigames, with the 4th one being speak-only (Stroop Test, it’s what I played at the beginning of the video.)
The first one is “Word Memory”, where you get 2 minutes to remember as many words as you can. The picture shown after is not present in-game, and is merely for reference.
Second is “Connect Maze”, which is similar to connecting dots in a book to get an image.
Lastly there is “Number Cruncher”, which I kinda messed up at, which is a shame cause it’s my favorite of the three.
Finally, I show Kawashima’s full catalogue of tips that he presents throughout the game.
21.12.2024that word memory game is HARD
20.12.2024Nostalgia hits so funking hard
20.12.2024Back in the last year of my primary school the teacher bought like 20 ds's and we had this app, it's been about 7 years since i last used it
20.12.202411:14 LOL 🤣
20.12.2024this dude
20.12.2024I played this when i was 8 years old january 2014
20.12.2024I love this game
20.12.2024Vine a ver por qué rangu se ríe de un color
20.12.2024its the best to hack wii u lol
20.12.2024P R E F R O N T A L C O R T E X
20.12.2024I remember this game I letting my mom played it on my ds
13.12.2024sunny seriously spent literal DAYS to give us this video. Props
13.12.2024Happy birthday
13.12.2024Tha only game mah kousin kould play, I was a lil lucky tho got a dog walking game
13.12.2024I remember playing this game as a 3 year old and getting PTSD from that face.
13.12.2024My mom had this game on her old DS. Me and my sister used to play it and be scared for some reason
13.12.2024This guy in primary school is the reason I graduated IB
13.12.2024where, I don't recognize most of these, were they downloaded?
13.12.2024saw this game in a dream. Thought the memories of me playing this game were all in my head until i saw a tiktok including it.
13.12.2024I love that chime 0:10 😂
13.12.2024I love how watching nostalgic video game gameplay videos scratches an itch in my memory banks
12.12.2024I wish there was an app for this game
I feel bad for Kawashima.
He worked so hard to help us train our brains.
Now he got deleted and has to have a fresh start.
12.12.202419:09 😞
12.12.2024Thanks for the vídeo
12.12.2024I adore games that challenge you to think, thank you for sharing. I do not own a Nintendo DS, but may save up for one to play this. An emulator doesn't feel the same.
12.12.2024you're born on the 3rd of February?? brooo our birthday is in 8 days :>
12.12.2024I always find it funny how Dr. Kawashima reacts when I erase my personal data! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
12.12.2024This game traumatized me as a kid 💀
12.12.2024The game: finally i can train somebody's brain 😀
An Wii U hacker: ah, just in time…
The game: D:
10.12.2024I remember I tried playing him when I was younger but it kept logging me off and his face always scared me so whenever I passed by that game I would cover his face😭
10.12.2024Sunny must be smart 💀💀
10.12.2024Into 0:0
10.12.2024My high score is 20
10.12.2024Will you mâle dr. Kawashima's devilish Brain training on 3ds?
10.12.2024I'm doing great at math!
10.12.2024YTSunny: does stroop test faster than I can ever imagine
Kawashima: Your brain age is *63*.
10.12.2024You know this?: The date of the DS is 1/1/2011, and he pick up in the Born Date: 3/2/1997
But this video is recordered in 2019
Now i have two questions
1. How many years have 'Sunny' in 2011?
2. How many years have 'Sunny' in 2019
And remember this facts:
1. This video is recordered in 2019,
2. The date of the DS is: 1/1/2011
3. His born date is: 3/2/1997
What a question right, this quest is not free, 5 likes pls❤❤🎉
08.12.2024This is unintentional asmr at this point (I fell asleep while watching)
08.12.2024Hello, i was wondering if i'm allowed to use your gameplay in a Video of mine
08.12.2024Here because I didn't know how to unlock triangle math, time lapse and voice calculation