Check out the new trailer for Mind Game starring Kôji Imada! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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US Release Date: February 16, 2018
Starring: Kôji Imada, Sayaka Maeda, Takashi Fujii
Directed By: Masaaki Yuasa, Kôji Morimoto
Synopsis: After a deadly encounter with two yakuza, a loser with a crush on his childhood girlfriend goes to heaven and back, embarking on a psychedelic self-discovery experience with her and his friends.
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26.12.2024I had a seriously deep trip. It's not a B-grade or avant-garde film. It's a completely new immersive experience. Genius.
26.12.2024I think…I think I’m gonna go buy this movie…
26.12.2024mind game is one of few works of art with the true ability to heal one's soul. the fact that it's also a masterful film you can watch multiple times is just a nice bonus to have.
26.12.2024Pass the acid, I'm going in!
26.12.2024I'm definitely going to get high on this
26.12.2024From studio 4 c° same studio who made
The animatrix
All of them worth watching
26.12.2024When you are sick of everything and dunno what to watch anymore, watch this!
22.12.2024What is the background music
22.12.2024My favorite film!
22.12.2024Welp the whole crew definitely was on drugs during the whole production
22.12.2024can’t believe this movie was first released 17 years ago
22.12.2024If you're deciding to watch this or not, watch it. One of the best things I've ever seen in my entire life.
22.12.20240:38 i believe this was in lsd dream emulator
22.12.2024My favourite movie
22.12.2024……………………………………………………. . , . ,
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22.12.2024This is my favourite film ever-
22.12.2024Amo esta película 😭🤚
20.12.2024The hell did I just watch?
20.12.2024Where can I wacht it?
20.12.2024This guy made tatami galaxy, devilman crybaby and ping pong the animation this is enough to prove the intellect of a genius.
20.12.2024My favourite anime movie, a masterpiece, it makes you think.
20.12.2024The greatest movie ever created.
20.12.2024This movie will make you feel high even if you don't do drugs
20.12.2024I finally saw this. I can say with certainty that it's one of the best movies I've ever watched. I highly recommend this to everyone.
20.12.2024Are they screaming like this the whole time? Dunno if I could sit through 90 minutes of that…
13.12.2024experienced it for the first time freshman year of high school. viewed it again in college. then saw it again last weekend on shrooms lol. this movie will never not be relevant
13.12.2024what did I just watch?
13.12.2024People have unlimited potential. But time is limited. Come on, let's try things! That's what this movie is about.
13.12.2024legend has it they were all tripping on Acid while drawing.
13.12.2024And I thought Japan had strict drug laws
13.12.2024Que gran película, más allá de las múltiples técnicas de animación y dibujo y de una historia muy interesante me quedo con ese mensaje de continuar a pesar de la entropía, apesar del futuro escrito.
13.12.2024Masterpiece – and I don't use that word generously.. don't give up on this one. It will take you a while to understand, and surprise you with its playful takes on maturity.
13.12.2024Maybe it's just myself, but this is what an Ayahuasca feels like to me. Pinocchio 964 is also another one.
13.12.2024one of my favorite movies of all time
13.12.2024Is it anime or weird cartoon?
08.12.2024quiero de lo que fuma Yuasa porque párese ser de las más potentes
08.12.2024This might be the one Anime movie that I'd rather watch with Subtitles than dubbed.
08.12.2024Christ! Looks Fantastic!
08.12.2024Japan.. Continues to lead the way in creativity in media, faaaar ahead of the western world!.. 💖💖🌍💖💖
08.12.2024Surrealism to the max. So much of this gave me hella Paprika vibes. Definitely gotta watch this
08.12.2024Anyone else saw this on adult swim during April 1st also
08.12.2024a new level of pretentious otaku elitist has been attained: Fanatique nipponophile (This kind of otaku smells worse than the average french citizen)
08.12.2024연출,작화,색감,스토리,배경,결말 완벽함. 꼭 보시는거 추천드림.
08.12.2024I watch this when is air on adult swim with some buddies whilst tripping balls we didn't realize what we where watching but we went back and watch it 2 more times that night. It was an absolute trip
08.12.2024This movie is 20 years old and somehow I’ve never seen or heard of it