Brain Games explores the inner workings of your brain with interactive games you can play at home, as well as experiments on the streets of a city as complex as your brain — New York. Guiding you through the twists and turns of your gray matter is Jason Silva who will be joined by top experts in the fields of cognitive science, neuroscience and psychology that will give you the “why” behind the “wow.” Get in touch with your inner super-computer and let Brain Games blow your mind!
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About Brain Games:
Are you ready for a truly mind-blowing experience? The Emmy® Award nominated Brain Games features interactive games and experiments designed to mess with your mind and reveal the inner-workings of your brain, exploring the science of perception, memory, attention, illusion, stress, morality, attraction, anger, and much more. Hailed by critics as “tremendous fun” that “makes science entertaining,” Brain Games turns your mind’s eye inwards for a fascinating journey into the three and a half pounds of tissue that makes you… you. All 8 Seasons of Brain Games are now available on Disney+.
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National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
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NEW SERIES | Brain Games
National Geographic
07.02.2025And what a great show it was (and still is). Until it got turned into a game show in season 8
19.12.2024How much did you pay the camera guy and is he black….
19.12.2024on youtube too???
19.12.2024Looks cool
19.12.2024there was just a similar series on tv. PONY UP
19.12.2024this better not be an April Fools, It looks interesting
19.12.2024This guy
19.12.2024I want to watch this but please remind me again one day before it airs or something like that.
13.12.2024Not by a long shot.
13.12.2024how dare you
13.12.2024do not care for this even a little damn bit
13.12.2024good thing the world doesn't revolve around you.
13.12.2024Is it me are all of those from brusspup?
13.12.2024hope they upload it on youtube !
13.12.2024Waiting ^__^
13.12.2024Yes, their bringing it back
10.12.2024That will be interesting
10.12.2024is beautiful
10.12.2024FUCK YEAH !!!!
I love this.
I Love it when they fuck my brains
10.12.2024it blow my brain
10.12.2024Brain Games is now… Over
10.12.2024What Nat Geo should be showing
10.12.2024Where do they get off claiming this is a new series?
10.12.2024BRUSSUP should sue this channel.
08.12.2024apik iki,, series baru :top:
08.12.2024Those who created the US were White & specifically founded the US for their "posterity" – their WHITE descendants. Saying otherwise is anti-White.
You'd never say Turks don't have a right to Turkey due to past bad acts.
You'd never say Japanese don't have a right to Japan due to past bad acts.
You only claim that Whites don't have a right to their countries.
You're pushing White genocide. That is an international crime.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
08.12.2024what your blabbing on?
08.12.2024I can honestly not wait for this show to come on, i love it!
08.12.2024Impressive commercial…if you've never seen the old Ernie Kovacs show.
08.12.2024was ist das ?
08.12.2024When Brain Games program displays on channel National Geographic??
08.12.2024Ok. Cuz theyve been making this show since 2011 and I'm just wondering why they say "new series" and this was in 2013. I understand now.
08.12.2024We're not quite as impressed as you think we are.
08.12.2024MIND! OVER! MATTER!
07.12.2024OLD style, camera angel
07.12.2024Well, I learned something today
07.12.2024Congratulations you can TILT A FUCKIN CAMERA! I'm sorry but this guy's such a fuckin goober
07.12.2024Brain Games is one of a better shows on National Geographic Channel!
07.12.2024cant wait for this show to come out
07.12.2024The memories