Hey! So, I need to verify my phone number to give links in the description. I tried verifying my phone but it doesn’t work. Hopefully I can post it in the comments. Until next time!
Intro 0:00
Run 0:07
Idle 0:24
Talk 0:41
BLJ 0:56
Mic Drop 1:19
You can’t say that on TV 1:35
Sigh Incorrect 1:47
Jingle Listen 2:04
POG 2:16
Dance 2:30
Sigh Correct 2:46
Intro 2:58
Intro Fall 3:14
Nephews 3:44
Game in Comments 3:58
17.12.20242:30 You should have put the Peanut Butter Jelly Time music on lmao
17.12.20241:08 he did the Mario 64 glitch lol
17.12.2024If he has eyelids, why dosen't he use them?
17.12.20243:00 bro walking on air
17.12.2024He blinks with his pupil.
17.12.2024Why should I Run do you mean Fun?
17.12.2024Green screen moment
17.12.2024ludifex: has 123 subs
me: troll clicking that subscribe button sounds cool
17.12.2024man i love chill exploiters who make stuff more fun and stuff like this
17.12.2024what is the music in background?
15.12.2024where'd u get that omg
15.12.2024the only thing concerning is how they PERFECTLY recreated the blj
15.12.20242:30 peanut butter jelly time
15.12.2024Fnf people:
15.12.2024I think the most epic animation when banana uses a super mario 64 bug
15.12.2024when hes does pog i just say he does monkers lol
15.12.20241:12 Mario reference
15.12.2024"Run :)"
"Why do i hear boss music?"
13.12.2024CAR BATTERY!
13.12.2024How did you get these???
13.12.2024i like how instead of blinking with his peel he blinks with the pupils themselves
13.12.2024i wonder how they made the mouth animation
13.12.2024bananimations :troll_face:
13.12.20240:06 is that a warning?
13.12.2024Don't you need the game's permission to get this stuff?
12.12.20243:00 the fact that i saw a clone of him falling in the background
12.12.2024honestly i thought this was a threat 0:05
12.12.2024Pog 2:24
12.12.2024this is real neat, how’d you even decompile the animations?
12.12.2024Man I love P&J 2:32
12.12.20242:34 best moment of the entire video
so many memories
12.12.2024Pov bana man I’m just walking 0:10 hi 0:29 what are you Gona say deez nuts 0:46 waho waho waho wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooo 0:57 I hate this job 1:20 HEY DAT A BAD WORD DONT SAY 1:37 oh my god you are so stupid as hell 1:50 ooooo wats that sound balls 2:06 WHAT 2:17 peanut butter jelly time 2:31 ok you are correct 2:47 what’s sup baby mama 2:59 what su- AHHHH O A B G U man I’m ded 3:17 ok bye bye👋
The Iconic Part
12.12.2024ok but WHATS THE SONG I LOVE IT
12.12.2024Bro did the peter griffin fall 2x
09.12.2024Bro really hit the 😴 emote 3:40
09.12.20241:52 I have never seen this animations actually
09.12.2024I think for the blj ones, they probably imported the anim files from SM64 (yes there is decomp) to roblox and then edited it in order to fit the banana's rig.
I think this is probably how they got it right
09.12.2024How did you get these animations?
09.12.2024Me when run
09.12.2024Nobody gonna talk about the fact that the Recorder/Flute or whatever plays the Checkpoint sound from the obbys they made.
09.12.2024Intro fall is based off of family Guy lol
09.12.2024Where's boardy
09.12.2024I'm looking for the official model of the banana lol