Which way of playing D&D is best? Theater of the mind (totm), battle mats, universal dungeon terrain (UDT), or 3D dungeon terrain?
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22.12.2024I have always held that the best way to run D&D is the way that is immersive enough for your group, easiest enough for you to use, and least expensive for everyone involved.
22.12.2024So tired of videos about "the best…" what is best is what ever works for you and your players. In short… THERE IS NO BEST OPTION! and every video like this reiterates this. So can we just call this horse dead and leave it be.
22.12.2024The 3D terrain looks really cool, but it has made my games a living hell. I feel enslaved to them. I changed to using battle maps with pictures I print at home, which is much more fun and easier to run. It saves so much time and space. Now, I'm stuck with my terrain, trying to sell it all. XD
22.12.2024What nation is the imagi nation?
22.12.2024I use modular terrain for the dungeons and the tavern, It's very cheap for me because I draw my own characters, monsters, PC's and terrain in blender, plus I print/craft them at home for cheap!
For large areas like fields, woods or other larger areas or just exploration , I have a TV inside an enclosure I made to put on top of the table with an acrylic piece n top so it wont get damaged.
So basically I use most of the options listed besides UDT, since me and my friends run our games at my house due to having more space and noise isn't much of a concern.
And no I don't go to conventions because in my country, they are too expensive to enter WHEN THEY HAPPEND which is almost never!
22.12.2024We use Dungeon Terrain. Since we don't get together more than once a month it gives plenty of time for awesome designs.
22.12.2024"Combat in Totm is faster" good luck having a fight vs 15 goblins and remembering where everyone is and the damage done
22.12.2024We are just starting but so far I just print out the maps, cut the paper and then add pieces on the table as the players explore the dungeon.
22.12.2024I used to play a lot of Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf Apocalypse. There we always played with theatre of the mind.
However when I got to play DnD for the first time, I got killed almost instantly by a fireball from a friend, because he had no idea, that I would be in the blast radius.
I'm convinced, that wouldn't have happend, if we had a map at our disposal.
Ever since then I'm a strong proponent of using at least a battlemat.
That kinda resulted in me going, … a bit overboard, when I started to dm myself.
My players enjoy the 3d terrain, that I print/build for them and I tremendously enjoy to do so myself.
Since I made it modular, we ended up using it in other campaigns as well.
22.12.20243d terrain for boss battles or specific key battle scenes. Battle mats for everything else. Only play at my house.
20.12.2024I personally prefer stuff like Battle Mats, or pre-made high-quality Maps. I'm not a good artist myself, so drawing out a dungeon by hand is less ideal for me, but I'll do it if I can't find a good map online that semi-accurately depicts the scene I have in mind.
20.12.2024UDT doesnt really make sense to me since couldn't you just always stay in the ranged circle. Since that makes you immune to melee damage. If you do go to the melee circle your not guaranteed to be able to melee since the enemy doesnt need to go inside the circle.
20.12.2024My opinion: I don’t think there is a single best method as, each is method is useful for specific situations. I’ve found that scatter terrain is super useful with battle mats / Cheeses mats. It can provide obstacles, elevation, interesting features, etc. I would sumise that a mix of options provides the greatest flexibility for gameplay. Ultimately, it boils down to what is the method most compatible with the DM’s comfort and style.
20.12.2024man, imagine leaving your brain at home before your dnd session 💀
20.12.2024My preference depends on the table. At ome table I have a guy who's prone to teleporting so battle mats for them I have another table that is more fluid in combat so mind theater is the way to go
20.12.2024I use a Chessex battle mat with paper minis. The minis are becoming an issue because they are super cheap and east to make, so I have way more than I have anyplace to keep them. Bowls of them, boxes of them, bags of them. Finding the ones I want becomes an issue. The PCs are buried someplace in this bag of 120 draconians I swept up off the table last week… I'll try and go through and pull out the ones I am most likely to need before a session, but if the players go someplace unexpected, I may be digging through the stacks to find that monster I hadn't prepulled. A lot of mapping is done on the mat. Dungeon layouts or outdoor maps are often sketched out by me or the players right on the the mat, often to be wiped off because a big chunk of mat is needed for a combat all of a sudden or a different game is played between sessions. Player beware if you are relying on that DM draw map on the mat, because it might go away. I provide the players with a pad of graph paper. Their fault if they fail to take notes.
20.12.2024For years the group I played with, because of financial consideration only played theater of the mind, occasionally someone had a mini for their characters. Recently I made a couple of those udt things and we are going to invest in miniatures and perhaps some like battle mats as well. It makes visualization easier in the middle of battle.
20.12.2024Then there’s me, who uses my Lego for dnd minis and terrain XD
20.12.2024I like to scribble out a map and just kind point, like "yeah, the three goblins are grouped up over here and you are in this other corner, behind a table." Then I don't bother with the map after that, I just leave it there in case someone wants visual aid.
20.12.2024Sorry, I usually like your take on things, but this one had a click-bait-ey title (I should have known better) and no real content. Unsub. Though I appreciate it is hard to come up with fresh and interesting things. And btw, you missed a fifth option, which is drawing free-style on a whiteboard, which lies somewhere between battle maps and theater of the mind.
18.12.2024UDT assumes combat between many players and a single opponent. It breaks down as soon as you introduce group combat or multiple opponents. Fighting five goblins? Better hope those goblins have some sort of tactical reason to stay grouped together in the center of your UDT. It's def useful in some instances, but I think people focus on strengths without ever acknowledging the weaknesses.
18.12.2024There Is No "Best Way". I don't have many minis so most of my game has been Theater Of The Mind for 49 years now as DM. I do use the minis I have with other figures on a battle map, graph pads, and hex pads. I also use score of photos of landscapes with additional verbal descriptions.
18.12.2024Can you imagine playing chess with theater of the mind.
18.12.2024It’s a balance and one is not better than the other.
18.12.2024It all depends on the type of game I am playing. CoC for example is best with theatre of the mind.
18.12.2024I feel like the best games have three or all four of these things. A mat with just some terrain will look crazy to new players. You will also always need some theater of the mind.
18.12.2024Theater of the mind works best for horror.
18.12.2024I put UDT in what I call Implied representative role playing . Were Battle maps, terrain, and models I would call direct representative role playing.
18.12.2024Cheap alterntive to mini's
Print out on card token icons. Cut them out and then use card stands to have them stand up.
18.12.2024I like battle maps and "i dont got art degree and here a map" sketch up.
13.12.2024I really don't like theatre of the mind, in my last campaign the dm would randomly decide this combat will be theatre of the mind because it shouldn't be very difficult. He then lines is all up and hits us all with a breath or line attack
13.12.2024i usually run theater of the mind then i sketch something in roll 20 for combat just to calculate range.
Digital maps just take years to set up and find on the internet, or at least they mostly dont fit.
13.12.2024the problem with my players is that some of them can't imagine that well and really need to have visual representations in order to stay focussed on the game. Like they want to do strategic planning and hide and sneak and want to know how far they can shoot things and so on. So my solution is that i do the entire story and dungeons in our minds with little DND battle maps from D&D's Dungeon Tiles, and for the big boss battles i craft my own big battlegrounds. Now, for the mini's its more difficult.. perhaps i'll order some from Etsy or something..
13.12.2024Theater of the mind is cool, it's all about ignoring the rules that you've paid for.
13.12.2024I usually draw on a wet erase battle map, but every 5 or 6 sessions I or one of my players builds a sweet full-contact battlemap diorama. It's always epic when one comes out, and as a DM, I love it
13.12.2024Im still eaiting on my tokens from that kickstarter too
13.12.2024You're correct that 3d terrain and 2d maps are similar in what tactical options they are offering, but only if you keep the 3d terrain relatively flat. If you add verticality to it, that would add a big tactical layer to the game. Verticality was actually one of the many cool things in BG3.
13.12.2024i found a 24" UDT made of a flexible grip mat in etsy for about $18 with shipping. very much worth the price
13.12.2024You left out Digital Maps on TV mixed with some Terrain. But the correct answer is really.. Some form of all the above based on the type of combat. Is this the Epic BBEG fight, then terrain is awesome. But some random combat, theatre of mind.
13.12.2024I love your content so, as a free piece of advice from a French fan : please, if you ever come to visit here, do not bring that tee in your luggage and above all, never ever wear it !
The reason being because in French, Grand con means Big jerk ! You're welcome 🤭
10.12.2024I use a roll of butcher paper and draw maps as I go. We mostly play savage worlds so there isn't need for a grid
10.12.2024Take a drink every time he says "theatre of the mind"
10.12.2024the best way is on the lounge floor on Saturday Night with five of your best friends until the snacks run out at 3 in the morning, there is no best way its all about who you play with we only dreamed about detailed battlemaps and a detailed collection of minis
10.12.2024I prefer styles 3 & 4 that you mentioned, and often the best is combining a battle mat and some 3D terrain to give it flair and depth. The battle mat can be easily drawn on for more 2D things like roads, and 3D terrain provides more realistic cover and way better visuals.
10.12.2024So sad I cannot find the dungeon tiles on amazon, has anyone found them?
10.12.2024I mostly use battle mats, and Owlbear Rodeo has some free online ones!
10.12.2024It's got to be a mix honestly, physical maps [which can be done with printer paper and bottle caps] for combat, theatre of the mind for the story
10.12.2024New D&D player here. I'd like to get a large tablet device or something that has the battlemap on, this way it can be digitally downloaded, i can have many terrtain maps and change between them quickly.
Anyone have any experience with this setup?
10.12.2024UDT PLUS terrain features is my go to. His latest on DM screens that mesh with UDT has been a great plus for me as I am making those to give my UDT flavor AND levels.
10.12.2024⭐ CzePeku | Thousands of high-quality digital maps for your RPGs! Website: https://www.czepeku.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
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